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Stone Brewery Farm

Whiskey Barrel Chair by The Hungarian Workshop at Stone Brewing Co. FARMToday we had an amazing day! Me and my fiance had a chance to get a sneak peek at the new Stone Brewery Farm. The size of the place is enormous and the scenery was beautiful. Being away from the city was definitely a fun change and felt very relaxing.  The whole atmosphere reminded of a simpler time. Kind of like my childhood while I was growing up in Felsőzsolca, Hungary.

Couple of the farmers working, getting everything ready for the grand opening. Stone Brewery FarmAfter finishing the 10 Whiskey Barrel Chairs that Stone had ordered for the farm, I was pretty excited to make the delivery myself. I heard a lot of great things about Stone Farms beforehand, so when the opportunity come to visit the place I was thrilled. Stone Brewing Company is expending more and more everyday and I am very thankful to be working with them! They are one of my biggest clients who has fast forwarded my business in the right direction.

Whiskey Barrel Chair at Stone Farm | Hungarian WorkshopWhen we arrived we met the Farm Supervisor; David Solomon. He is a very nice guy who showed us around and introduced us to some of the other Stone Farmers. Seeing the amount of work that goes into running a whole entire farm has made me really appreciate the hard working man and women who make their living that way.

Chickens at Stone FarmThe Stone Brewery Farm will feature quit a few neat attractions as well. On our adventure walking around the farm we discovered their chickens, ducks and quails. One of Stone most popular dish is Quail “Knots” which is a delicious pickled quail egg. Once we visited all the animals we headed down to an open area that seems like perfect place to set the Whiskey Chairs and have few drinks. In the clearance was also a concrete pizza oven. I can’t wait for that to be up and running! A fresh slice and a cold beer away from the city and all the noise, count me in. Speaking of beer, I got the word that the Stone Brewery Farm will be featuring a new Lavender beer. Look for that in the near future. By the entrance of the farm there will be a bar area that has a deck with a great view of the entire place.

Me And David Solomon at Stone FarmBe sure to come visit the Stone Brewery Farm opening soon!

If you ready to make a purchase be sure to type in one of these coupon codes and save big!!!

  1.  10%OFF/BGM-Use this code to save 10% on your entire purchase.
  2. SAVEME$300/BGM- Use this coupon code if you are spending $2000 or more to save $300.
  3. SAVEME$200W.B.C.T/BGM- Use this code when you buy our Wine Barrel Coffee Table to save $200. Five codes available.

Coupon Codes can not be used with one another. Please be aware all codes expire on 04-30-2013. Be sure to fallow us on Facebook & Twitter for more codes and ways to save big. Please subscribe to our email news letter than will inform you about sales, events and more! Whiskey Barrel Chair & Stone Tractor | Hungarian Workshop

Thank you for stopping by and be sure to visit us again.

-Balazs G. Moldovan


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When Did Whiskey Barrel Furniture Become Elegant?

 Could be future Whiskey Barrel Furniture for the Hungarian WorkshopWhiskey Barrel Furniture are a great way to stay “Green”. Recycling and Up-cycling old items and used material has become very popular in the recent years. It’s not just popular, it has even become very important and a must for a few people. Which is great because sometimes we forget and not realize how many things we waste and discard. Simply all it takes is a little bit of creativity, and an everyday items can have a whole new second  life.

Most often when you see an old barrel it will be a trash can or it’s been cut in half and turned into a planter. Those are good and easy ways to re-use them but not great. The fact is that Wine and Whiskey barrels are made from white oak. A type of wood that is perfect to use for most wood working projects and can be pretty pricey when purchased brand new. If you ever had the chance to visited a winery or a distillery you probably have seen the hundredths of barrel they go through each year stacked in a huge pile. It’s a sight like that that will make you say “There must be another use for them.”, even if you’re not a woodworker or environmentalist.

Be the one who orders our 100th Barrel Chair and receive it for FREE! - Hungarian Workshop

Bar Chair at The Mission in San Diego - Hungarian Workshop

It has now been over a year since I started working with used barrels and I am happy to report that it seems people have really took a liking to my Wine & Whiskey Barrel Furniture. The key element in turning an old barrel into furniture is detail. Just because it’s rustic furniture it does not mean there should be nails sticking out, have rough edges, etc. The way to make up-cycled material look elegant in my eyes is to go above and beyond, to the point where you may not even be able to tell what the item was previously. Each time I have to explain where the wood came from to somebody, I feel a great amount of satisfaction and confidence in my work.

I invite you to come brows through our website and see what new Wine & Whiskey Barrel Furniture we have to offer. Be sure to fallow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive monthly coupon codes. You can also sign up for our News Letter to receive information on new items and promotions.

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San Diego Home And Garden Show

Wine & Whiskey Barrel Chairs at the Home & Garden ShowLast weekend we had a great opportunity to show off our barrel chairs at the 28th Annual Home  & Garden Show in Del Mar. It was the first time the Hungarian Workshop was featured in such a large event and the results were amazing. Just 3 days of exposure has done wonders for the business. With retailers calling and custom orders on the way, this was definitely an opportunity of a life time.

Hungarian Workshop at the Spring Home And Garden ShowIt all started last week when I received an email from Navid Mostatabi from Envision Landscape Studios.  They showed me an amazing display plan drawn up which had a fantastic modern yet natural look, and I knew I had to be a part of it. The plans originally called for some standard Adirondack Chairs but they said they wanted something different. Something that would standout from the ordinary and really capture people eyes. So that is where the Hungarian Workshop came in and made it happen.

Barrel Chairs at the Spring Home And Garden ShowWith only a few days left to complete a project I jump to work right away. After all it’s NOT everyday you get to show off your handmade furniture for thousands of people to see. In storage I already had enough staves prepped for two Whiskey Barrel Chairs, which was a life saver. Even though I did not have a wine barrel laying around I still wanted to show off our wine barrel furniture as well. I made a few phone calls and a couple of minutes later I was on my way to pick up the perfect barrel. I am never a big fan when it comes to rushing especially when it involves furniture making, but sometimes you may have no choice. Eventually orders like that will come along and knowing how to handle them is a big plus. Since situations like this are definitely not new to us, we were able to pull it off without any problems what so ever.

Wine & Whiskey Barrel Chairs at the Home And Garden ShowThe Home And Garden Show had a great turnout. Hundredths of my business cards went out and the fallowing week the orders started coming in. I would like to thank Navid at Envision Landscape Studios for this wonderful opportunity and hopefully you will see the Hungarian Workshop at other Home And Garden Shows in the future.


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Bistro Chairs For Your Home Or Restaurant

The Wine Barrel Chair & Side Table would make an excellent bistro chairs set.Although the new year has just started, there are already lots of home owners and business owners looking to find the right bistro chairs for the Spring season. You may think it’s only January and Spring time isn’t for another 2 months or so, however this may be the best time to find those great early bird deals.

Countless restaurants and private buyers have chosen The Hungarian Workshops bistro chairs for a couple good reasons.

  • Elegance: Our chairs provide an outstanding appearance and style. We try to use the best contrasts that really let the colors pop out and catch the eyes. Being unique and different is very important to us, therefore we make sure our piece will stand out and not be confused with any other.
  • Durability: Each piece is designed with strength in mind because one of or main focus is on longevity. Without compromising comfort, each chair is built to last and to endure just about anything.
  • Price: What you get with us is practically a steal! Keep in mind most wooden furniture these days are mass produced in factories and lack craftsmanship and care. With a moderate investment and care take you will have beautiful furniture for years to come.

A few satisfied customers sitting in the bistro chairs at Stone Brewery Escondido, CA

Doing a bit of research before you make a purchase is always a good idea. Especially if you intend to buy in large quantities. Don’t be afraid to ask companies for discounts, more than half the time they will just to lock in the deal.

These days going “Green” is also really important to people. Recycling, reusing and up-cycling has turned into more than just a fad. The concept of up-cycling has helped our business tremendously. Last summer we landed a deal with Stone Brewery’s bistro where they wanted us to turn their old Whiskey barrels into chairs. Since then our business has more than tripled, we ended up with a whole new line of products and created a great business relationship with a very big company! Since then we have been approached by more and more cafes, diner and pubs because they too love the idea of reusing old barrel. It’s not just the owners but the customers as well. A majority of our clients have sat in our chairs at bistros and just fell in love with them. Picking out the right patio set can change the whole atmosphere and turn an ordinary customer into frequent one!

A Wine Barrel Coffee Table & Bistro Chairs in the Garden at Stone Brewery

At the Hungarian Workshop our top priority is customer service. We are not happy until you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. We will gladly work with you one on one and answer any question you may have. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Thank you for stopping by and be sure to visit us again soon.

-Balazs Moldovan



Don’t forget about our 100th Barrel Chair Giveaway! Be the lucky one who orders our one hundredth barrel chair and receive it for free!!!